
This online course has been designed to provide easy access to up-to-date diagnostic and technical information on Vcheck Canine TnI.

Who Should Enrol

Veterinary professionals, veterinary nurses, animal health technicians, lab technicians.

Course Design

The learner will be able to study and complete the course material and online test at his/her own pace.

Ideally, this course should be done after the Vcheck NT-proBNP Afrivet Academy Course.

Course Highlights

The what, the how and the when to test TnI and the benefits on the use of this test in practice.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of the course the learner will have a sound knowledge of TnI and will be able to:

  • understand and discuss the most important features of the uses and benefits this test has for a practice.


Multiple-choice test.


In order to qualify for a certificate, the learner will be required to complete the course and pass the multiple-choice test with 80%.